Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Diaper Change!

Christi, her Mom and Grandmother went to see Savanna this morning. The Neonatologist that took such loving care of Brandalyn is back from being out of town and got to see Savanna and talk to Christi today. Dr. Ahmeed is a wonderful doctor, we just love him. He is very caring and nuturing, and believes that one of the most important parts of patient care is family involvement. So, Christi got to touch her sweet baby for the first time today! The day Savanna was born, they wisked her away so quickly that Christi only got a glance of her, and when she saw her later that day, she was already in the incubator. Today Christi had the chance to change her first of many diapers and get her first photos with Mommy. She was so excited!

Savanna continues to do so well! Dr. Ahmeed bumped down her ventilator a bit because her respiration is so good. She had a port placed last night so they won't have to stick her so much, and she did very well with that too. Dr. Ahmeed told Christi he never likes to say he's optomistic, but that's exactly what he told her today! They are going to try her this afternoon on her first little bit of breast milk. Christi also got permission to take a few photos today, (the NICU is a little cautious about digital cameras interfering with the equipment). So here's Savanna, 4 days old. The photo of her and Daddy was taken on Saturday, May 17th, when she was about 3 hours old.

God is Good!


Anonymous said...

I know Yap from online.I just wanted to stop in and let everyone know my prayers are with you all. I know from personal experience not to let such smallness deceive, these minis are tough! Keep up the good fight Savanna! Love and prayers
dale (BB)

Anonymous said...

Continuing prayers for Savanna and all her family. Keep up the good fight little precious one - we are all so happy to hear of your progress.

From another online friend of your Mimi - Tibro

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to see photos of Savanna with her Mommy & Daddy !! We are so proud of her progress and keeping her in our daily prayers to continue to improve !


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posted the pictures of Savanna and her parents. She is in our prayers and We are glad she is steadly improving.

Jimmy & Deanna Burt

Eddie and Kathy said...

Spoke to Mimi last night and received the email of this wonderful precious website. May god continue to shine on Savanna, Christi and Brian! We are so happy to hear of the great progress and hope to see you soon!

Hugs and kisses!
Great Grandpa,Uncle Eddie and Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Christi, I am so proud of you. Your little angel is very beautiful. I am happy to hear she continues to make progress everyday. I will keep you & you family in my thoughts & prayers everyday. I love you.